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FLASHBACK: Grade 11 Career Orientation

Written by: Caira Tinsay
Photos by Ms. Mariano, Ms. Lemi, and Ms. Castañera

For young people, facing the daunting prospect of choosing a career path and navigating life’s endless possibilities can be overwhelming.


However, with the proper guidance, young people can find clarity in exploring various career options.


The Career Orientation held on February 16 offered this crucial support and direction, providing insights and advice to young students as they explore their skills, interests, and ambitions to discover their true calling in life.

The Career Orientation started with a

guest of honor, Mr. Jomar Mendoza,

who tackled the topic of "Navigation."

He enlightened us about the different

levels of education available, along with

the various programs we could take in

college. The next speaker, Dr. Ryan

Roberto Delos Reyes, discussed

"Employment Trends" and how they

can affect our future professions.

The third speaker of the day was the

Teritarian Sisters, who shared valuable

insights and personal experiences regarding their "Vocation." Their wise words guided us students toward the direction we sought, shedding light on the path ahead as we navigate the uncertain landscapes of our future.

In concluding the event, the students were divided into their respective strands to listen to more specialized speeches about their chosen fields. The guest speakers were alumni from SHSQC who kindly shared their inspiring stories and struggles with establishing their careers. With this, the students had the opportunity to explore different paths and embrace the journey of self-discovery towards finding their true calling. Even though the road ahead may seem vast and mysterious, the guest speakers presented a ray of hope that shed light on our struggles with finding our careers, providing us with a sense of direction and purpose in finding our true calling in our journey to success.

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